Prayer Council
Prayer Council are a group of children, two children from every year group, who meet weekly. Prayer Council have the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating worship at their meetings as well as thinking of new and exciting ideas for our worship and for opportunities for prayer in school. The children focus on the spiritual development of everyone within our school. They have helped to create a whole school prayer area as well as leading elements of worship and services. Every year, they work to create a worship that focuses on the theme of the term to share with all the children.
Recently we explored the value of Humility. Humility is one of our core school values here at Forest. Prayer Council were lucky enough to be asked to write a short poem and share some ideas on what Humility means to them which was published by Salisbury Diocese for one of their 'Thoughts for the week'. The poem and thoughts are shared below.
Helping others because it is the right thing to do
Understanding other people’s beliefs and viewpoints
Memorise important values and display these everyday
Inspiring others to display good sportsmanship
Looking out for others’ feelings and checking in on them
If you succeed, celebrate humbly
Telling the truth even when it’s hard
You can try and show humility today.
When asked ‘What does humility mean to you?’ The children thought carefully about what this looked like.
- Being kind to others in everything we do
- Telling the truth
- Letting others play with you
- Never being boastful but celebrating and being quietly confident
- Celebrating the achievements of others and recognising when they have done well
- Doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do
- Helping people out if they are hurt or upset
- Consider your actions and how they might impact someone else
- Helping someone when they are sad
Value Ambassadors
In Year 6, our oldest children in the school are invited to take on the role of Value Ambassadors. Children are appointed as ambassadors t0 one of the school’s 4 key values of either Respect, Compassion, Humility and Courage and are asked to promote this value in different ways throughout the school year. Each week a different core school value is chosen as a focus by the value ambassadors. To help the children throughout the school understand the behaviour they can show to demonstrate the value, the value ambassadors decide on a behaviour to focus on which is shared in Golden Book Worship. Some examples from this year are here:
Value ambassadors also lead worships in all classes throughout the school at the beginning of the year to introduce, remind and promote our 4 core school values. Value ambassadors work together to develop a class worship which includes all the key elements of a worship: opening, story, reflection, prayer, ending. They then deliver these in worships in all classes throughout the school.